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Working Safely during


To All Students


Here at BUC, the wellbeing of our employees, students and customers is of the utmost importance. As such, and in-line with government guidelines we are operating a strict ‘covid secure’ environment. 


Bristol Upholstery Collective Protective Measures-Covid-19


Listed below is a set of protective measures we have created to ensure the safety of every one of us. All we ask is that you practice copious amounts of common sense and self awareness to ensure these measures are adhered to, wherever is practically possible. 


Key Points:


-Bring your own protective gloves and masks with you.  You will need them.

-Take your entire belongings home with you at the end of the day.

-Wash or sanitise your hands on a regular basis and when using communal items.

-Keep a safe distance of at least 2 metres apart at all times.

-Cough or sneeze into your elbow or a tissue, dispose of the tissue after use.

-You will need to self-isolate immediately if you develop a new continuous cough, a fever or, a loss or changed sense of normal smell or taste (anosmia)




Each person has a dedicated workstation; the same people will use each workstation each week, minimising the amount of contact surfaces come into. The workstations are spaced out with a specific area for you to stand/sit whilst working to ensure you are at least 2-metres apart, clearly marked by tape. Do not step out of this area unless absolutely necessary.


Think of your workstation as your new home. Make sure everything that belongs to you, stays within your workstation area. 


Key points:

  1. Only leave your workstation when you absolutely need to. 

  2. If you need something, ask your tutor in the first instance and they will bring it to you, or advise otherwise, rather than take any social distancing risks.

  3. Do not move around your workstation when working. Move your furniture round to face you instead.

  4. Please bring your own tools and apron.

  5. There is a hook underneath the workstation to hang your coat and a shelf to store any other belongings including food or snacks.

  6. There is a blue paper roll and a bottle of sanitiser spray on your workstation. This is for your station only.

  7. Sanitise your workstation before starting work 

  8. Clear up, sweep and sanitise your workstation before leaving. Make sure you remove ALL your belongings. Including mugs or utensils at the end of each day.

  9. A Safety guide printout is on each workstation allocating you to a numbered staple gun and sewing machine.




Minimise kitchen use. We now have a 'One - in - one - out' system providing access to the kitchen. The microwave will not be in use for students. The fridge must only be used for necessary items such as milk. Do not leave any items in the kitchen area at any time.


Key points:


  1. Store your food and drinks at your workstation. If your food needs refrigeration, make sure you wipe down the fridge handle after use with hot soapy water or the sanitiser spray provided.

  2. Bring your own mug and eating utensils. 

  3. Wash and dry your items and take them back to your workstation. 

  4. Do not make drinks for anyone other than yourself.

  5. If you wish to share cake. Allocate one person to cut the cake. Students will collect their slices one by one, complying with social distancing rules.


Sewing Machines, Staple Guns and Sundries


Sewing Machines: 

You will be allocated a sewing machine; so the fewest number of students will come into contact with the equipment each week. 

Do not use any other machine unless absolutely necessary.

A menu stand specific to your workstation will have your correct machine  allocation specified.

Wipe your machine after use and sanitise your hands. 

Your machine will be pre-threaded before use. 

Your tutor will re-thread the machine if required.


Staple Guns: You will be allocated a staple gun each.

The same small group of people will use your staple gun each week. 

Do not use any other staple gun. 

Wipe after use, store in the workstation tool box and sanitise your hands.


Sundries: your tutor prior to starting work will hand these out. Please ask your tutor, if you need any additional items



Touching things:

Do not be tempted to stroke fabric, fabric books or touch furniture other than your own. 



Fabric Books are out of bounds. Order your own samples to be delivered to your home address. 

There will be various supplier links on our website for you to view and order  samples.


Lifting or moving furniture: If you need help lifting for moving furniture please ask for help from your tutor or fellow student. Make sure you AND the people helping you both wear a mask 


Using communal items: When you MUST use a communal item such as a broom. Make sure you sanitise it after use.


Payments: We will not be taking cash for payments. Use contactless wherever possible. The Card machine will be sanitised after each use.


You will receive an induction upon arrival,


Please let us know if you have any immediate questions.

Thank you for helping us all to stay as safe as a business, and as happy as our chairs!


Leisure Course Students - Evenings & Weekends

Courses are available to book online, as usual, in advance to give you plenty of time to prepare for your class. All Induction instructions are sent to you via a reminder email 1 week before your course start date.

Upholstery Service 

Our Upholstery and consultation service is now provided online.

Please visit our 'Commissions' page for a full list of Fabric suppliers that will send samples direct to your door.

Consultation appointments are booked via email and take place via video call.

Once we have a clear design idea, the deposit is paid via BACS transfer, and fabric has arrived with us at the workshop, we'll make an appointment for you to drop in your furniture item at an ideal time to keep potential contact to a minimum.

Balance payments can be made in store upon collection of your furniture item. Our card machine is sanitised after every use.

To begin your upholstery collaboration with Bristol Upholstery Collective, please email a photo of your project and requirements to

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